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/ Resources / Safety Tips to Creating a More Secure Online Presence

Safety Tips to Creating a More Secure Online Presence

Create secure passwords and change them often.

To create a strong password, include 8-10 characters, a combination of lower and uppercase letters, numbers, and at least one special character. It’s tempting to use the same password, but avoid that especially on websites that use financial transactions, such as the TrustBank online portal or online shopping. If you have a hard time remembering the passwords, many of the phones and computers have programs that will encrypt your passwords in a saved folder.

Use Free Wi-Fi Cautiously.

Free does not constitute as safe. Your data is not encrypted or secured until a connection is made with the website via HTTPs. Never access your email, social media accounts, or banking accounts while on public Wi-Fi.

Maintain the latest software to avoid vulnerabilities.

Recommended updates for cell phones often are the result of an identified problem. By updating your phone IOS, you create another layer of protection. For your laptop, install malware and keep it up to date. The cost is minimal and could save you a much bigger headache.

When in doubt, don’t click!

There is no Nigerian prince, no amazing cure, nor did you win a free Amazon gift card. These are phishing messages. But, logos and names of reputable companies can be used to tempt the average person to trust. Check the link for the beginning https, the ‘S’ meaning it is a secure website.

Keep your friends list private.

This is more of a protection for them, but a good rule of thumb nonetheless. If they can’t see your friends, you are less of a target. Your photos can be used to create a spoofed account that seems to look like it is from you, thus gaining trust with them. If you are on social media and receive a suspicious private message, most likely your name was gleaned from someone’s friends list.